Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hero or Stooge?

The Crucible (Penguin Classics)
The Crucible (Penguin Classics)So we happen to be reading The Crucible right now, in which the extremely obnoxious Abigail tries to get rid of John Proctor's wife so that she can continue her affair with him. John Proctor dies in the end because of Obnoxious Abigail (funny, since Abigail set this all up to get Proctor, but she makes him die in the end). Under normal circumstances, he would've died a hero, a martyr. But because this situation was completely stupid, I think he died a stooge.

He was the one that made the whole play interesting. Without him, there wouldn't have been an affair with Abigail, who wouldn't have tried to kill Elizabeth Proctor in the first place. Therefore, it makes sense that he was a stooge, his death created a juicy ending for the story, and he was in the plot all along just to make things interesting.

If the whole "children are innocent!" thing was part of the Puritan's belief, than I couldn't possibly say that the situation was that stupid because it's their religion, their belief. But it was only a general stereotype of children at that time, and both Rebecca Nurse and Proctor knew that the girls were pretending. Furthermore, Proctor waited at the last moment to tell the court of his secret affair, when the girls had so much attention and power over the adults. Not to mention, before he was killed, he did lie and confess. Why? What for? To make an attempt to save your butt, just to give your life away?

As I was reading this, I was literally groaning in frustration. Abigail and the whole situation annoys me so much. And the saddest thing is, stupid things like this happen all the time.


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