Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Temper Trap

The Temper Trap:
I have to admit, I don't know a lot of indie bands. Frankly, I don't really know what I have in my iTunes.

That was a lie.

I do know what I have in iTunes--except they don't happen to be English songs (KPop and JPop...go for some culture shock with Alice Nine [アリス九號。] and KAT-TUN !).

Band: The Temper Trap
Genre: alternative rock
Discography: "Conditions" 2009 (plus a remix album)

But anyways, I do recommend you go on the Wikipedia page, since I think it can explain the band better than I can. Basically, it is an Australian band whose members met in college. I'm not sure if I should call them indie, afterall, they just debuted with their first album, but their single "Sweet Disposition" has already won numerous awards. To top it off, it has been featured in commercials (Project Runway) and movies (500 Days of Summer). I believe they also performed at Lollapalooza this summer. This makes me want to cry, since I wish I knew about it and went.

I'm not exactly sure what Wikipedia meant by "atmospheric sound" or what grand guitars are, but I absolutely love their instrumentals. (They remind me of U2! Yay!) I think that the band and its style won't appeal to everyone. A lot of my friends listen to popular music (I put my hands up in the air sometimes), the Beatles and other acoustic-y and strum-y guitar songs, and rock. No one I know nods at me knowingly when I mention U2 (they give me the same face they gave me when I mentioned chocolate candy canes to them last year) or share the same love for Modest Mouse as I do. Of course, Temper Trap is neither U2, nor Modest Mouse.

(Ugh. I spent about an hour times 3.2 trying to figure out that player above...) I'm recommending the whole album because it is just so awesome (in my opinion, of course). Tracks 1, 2, and 4 (3, 6, and 9 on the album, respectively) are singles, and "Fools" I just love. Check out the lyrics--they aren't about love exactly, nor are they weird, weird lyrics. The songs tell a story, and though the messages are easy to understand, there's always a deeper meaning to them if you think about it.

Overall, I really like the "atmospheric" sound to them, if that's what it means. They don't use a lot of synth or whatever, but they use some, and it really adds a nice touch. The lead singer's voice is pretty nice as well, with a strong nasal sound.

Thank goodness I'm not doing a video review. I think I would've blubbered and blabbed about the same things over and over again. And if anyone's interested, you guys should check out Passion Pit and Robyn too.(Sleepyhead by Passion Pit and Robyn's Body Talk Pt. 1 album. -smiley face-)



  1. I really like the insrumental of Sweet Disposition. The voice is alright I guess. I don't find it to be that special or anything, but it is nice to listen to.

  2. I could have totally predicted that you would choose them d:

  3. Yes! This band has a great sound. Downloading soon. You are right about the comparison to U2- earlier U2. As far as friends and music goes, these are the years where tastes develop. Don't be afraid that friends find interests in other things. Instead of a Christmas Cookie exchange party, you could do a music exchange party- everyone bring their computer and a external hard drive!

  4. -_- I feel like the only reason you commented is so I'm pushed into commenting on here... But! You're a good friend and I shant think of you like that.

    In response to your comment on my blog: heck no. Do you seriously think *I* of all people could write HTML? I just told you how much trouble I was having on dA. Of course not. I got it from That's where I go for all my templates. I had three before I chose that one. Speaking of templates, check out my old blog url (you remember it, right?). I'm reinstating it and I just adore the new template for it.

    Moving on, I feel like I've been mentioned. Yes, I am main stream. Yes, I have never heard U2. But no, I hate the Beatles. And gimme a break! I'm a child who still has never had a chocolate candy cane but once, twice TOPS!

    Moving on, I've never heard of Temper Trap before and I had the same problem as you. I'm the mainstream girl. How ever did you get that player? I gave up on trying to find one.

    I watch Project Runway and I feel like the first song (Sweet Disposition) is uber familiar but idk really. I like it. The other songs aren't for me though. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions and whatnot.

    This seems like you. You're the type to like that kind of music. So I'm not surprised that this is a Jiayin song.

    I felt like this post, your voice came out more. I don't know if it's just me but I felt like it was more you. Maybe I'm just going insane. But, I like it :)

  5. !!!
    Of course I want to learn CSS. I need to get rid of the shame I receive due to my unability to HTML properly. -_-

    When you said it sounded like an iTunes review: in what way really?

    I'm currently working on a one-shot for the song "King of Anything". Simply warning you for when I spam you for advice.

    What's the point of (Ctrl+Shift+J)?

  6. Listened to a few,
    and I really enjoyed Sweet Dispostion
    and Fools, they are a really great band, and when I watch 500 days of summer, I shall listen for them :D
