Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reader Response

So... [insert awkward moment here]

I really liked the To Be Young, Talented and Black excerpt (p. 770-773) by Lorraine Hansberry (even more than I liked the We are Ugly, But We are Here) because it was really colorful. Not in the kind of The Great Gatsby colorful, but in the sense that it painted a vivid idea in my head what Hansberry's life was like back then.

I can't really put into words why I liked it so much. (I need to learn how to ramble in circles like Syd here. Of course, in the nicest way possible.)

Is it weird that I liked it because her writing style is one that I aspire to develop mine into? I wish I could write meaningful sentences ("Why was it important to take a small step, a teeny step, or the most desired of all--one GIANT step?"). Ones that imply meaning instead of explicitly stating them. ("...we were better than no one but infinitely better than everyone...") Ones that could be little stories on their own, trailing off and leaving the reader with a 'Huh.' moment (kind of like an 'Ohhhh.' moment; "You are not a person--you are a nuisance who is not particular fun anymore. Consequently, you swiftly learned to play alone.")

Even though she talks of the vanity required to write a memoir, even though every section seems like she is just giving you a glimpse of her life, they come along with some sort of implied meaning. Her writing is simplistic and soulful.

Maybe I should stop here, before I start saying things that will make me yell, "You're so stupid. Why don't you just shut up?" to myself later, when I go back and reread this. Point is, I like it, and I hope to read the rest of the book sometime soon.


PS: I'm sure no one cares, but that banner at the top of this page? Yeah, I made it. :D Just wanted to point that out, before it goes down for the new year.
Temporary Link for Mr. McCarthy: Indigoe Timms


  1. We have to give your last post a break :)
    No, I don't mind all the comments. Yours reminded me that I had a blog post due today. Hehe...

    You do realize this will be me reading the info, learning, and you giving me the skinny on it. Because idk if it'll go through well.

    I thought you made it. It seems Jiayinish. Oh! But you do realize that the holidays are over, right? Might wanna get on redesigning that.

    I love the shout-out to me. Makes me feel special :)

    I enjoyed that one too. But I can't blab about it until I do on my blog.

    Rambling is just my way of trying to give you a 360 view on my opinions. It's my way of translating thoughts.

    Don't worry about sounding stupid. if you play it off right, you'll always be cool. Never regret saying something you meant.

    I don't get the temp link...

  2. hahaha jiayin your writing is already great without "rambling in circles"
    i like how you included quotes from the text to support what you're discussing and that you also have aspirations for your writing.
    do you plan to take on writing as your career?

  3. Haha nice little banner of yours :)
    Anyway, I never really paid attention to the style of writing for that article. You made me go back and read it, and I agree with you!
