Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jay and Nick

Mr. McCarthy: I am currently working on a jazz piece by Gershwin that I hope to put up soon. Just by-the-way.

I think that in an alternate universe, Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway would've been the best of buddies, and in the words of Iemaan, like a fat kid and cake. In many ways they are similar, except this pairing doesn't quite work out. (Haha, I sound like I'm talking about Jay and Nick's gay love-child. So wrong...)

I haven't read far, but already Jay seems extremely suspicious in the way he lies about his past (oh yes, San Francisco is in the Middle West--I would expect more from an "Oxford man"), in the way he and Wolfsheim somehow have "gonnegtions", and exactly how he earned his money. In comparison, Nick says he is the most honest man he has ever known, and while that is debatable, in this case this statement is not hard to believe.

Similarly, both Jay and Nick are the "new moneys" trying fit into an "old money" society. Both of them seem to draw people towards themselves like lighthouses in a storm. Nick calls himself a "politician", while we know from Nick that Gatsby tends to observe his hectic and lavish parties from a distance (most likely hoping Daisy and Tom would show up).

However, so far, it is obvious that Gatsby and Nick's so-called friendship is fake. Gatsby wants what he doesn't have (Daisy) no matter the cost, and he intends to get her through Nick. And so he does, and after an extremely awkward moment their love seems to be rekindled. (Though personally, I don't think it's going to work out...)

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