Thursday, March 24, 2011

On the Reservation

I'm not sure if it's good to be back...I think it means more homework on top of everything else. Hence I am presenting you some temporary bullcrap until I decide not be lazy and edit this post! (I have been reading too many Japanese comics. I just finished the five hundred thirty second chapter of a series today, meaning I read 532 chapters in less than a week! My record is 233 chapters in two days. Anyways...)

This week's topic is about the reservation, since we're reading Montana 1948 (I keep thinking it's 1984 instead of 1948). Reservations = Native American reservations, and I don't know anything about them beyond the fact that they are stupid. The reservations relocated the Native Americans, the rightful "Americans" of this land, to the worst, tiniest plots of land existing in the US. It was just the white people marching in with their superiority complex and their guns and decide like God that they must be better than everything on Earth because they have guns that go POWPOW and their skins are white (though really pinkish almost). They relocate the natives to reservation after reservation, and now they decide that everything's okay as long as they offer scholarships to students of Native American descent. I don't mean any offense to anybody, but every time I think about it I get irritated. People who call themselves Americans nowadays, these people who cling on so doggedly to their McDonald's double cheeseburgers and Glee, this supposed American culture...when these same Americans were the ones who crushed culture after culture as they eliminated Indian tribes.

America was and still is supposed to stand for justice and peace and equal rights. I didn't think that the Constitution could be subject to misinterpretation. It clearly states that "all men are created equal", and last time I checked, it didn't precede the phrase "and some are more equal than others". I guess I'm a bit off-topic and ranting now, but I get more and more disappointed as I learn more history.

(all due respect to white people and Native Americans)



  1. Sorry Jiayin! I gave you a break for the research paper. Great entry though...wouldn't it be great if someone came in here and crushed McDonald's and Glee to give us something good?

  2. ahahaha this actually came off pretty strong to me, but i gotta say the POWPOW! really made me laugh.
    yes, the history of humanity is pretty disgusting. all we can do though is to learn from those mistakes and make ourselves better individually, hoping others might take a hint.

  3. This is such an inspiring post. Great job! Although the Indians got the "shi*** end of the stick" as stated by David in Montana 1948, they still coexisted peacefully with the Europeans as far as people nowadays can tell. In many instances where people are oppressed by another group like how the British treated the colonies, they rebelled in order to free themselves. Differently for Native Americans, they did not so you could say that they were stupid but others might argue that they just do not want to fight anymore considering the odds and just wanted to live peacefully. Either way, what's done is done so we all hope an event like that would not happen again. Although that is what we hoped,humans essentially only cares about their own survival, sometimes even at the expense of others.
