Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Presence of Slavery

Currently, I'm taking AP Human Geography, and even though the class is hard, in these two months, I've already learned a lot. Lesson is, it's given me a better understanding of the world and its people.

As soon as I was given this topic, I immediately knew: illegal immigrants.

Employers like employing immigrants because they can take advantage of them. They can pay them low wages, not have to give them regular benefits like retirement plans, and threaten them with deportation if they are troublesome or incompetent. Unlike slavery, in this case, immigrants are benefitted too--even though they are working for what we think of as low wages; it keeps them out of poverty (the state they would've been in if not for the illegal migration).

And I find it a little weird that when people think 'racism' most people only think of black versus white. But  there are lots other combinations, and lots of other kinds of prejudices. I think that that itself resembles slavery, because there was a certain prejudice at that time, which put someone/something over somone/something else. Men versus women, Christians versus Jews...

Our world is so messed up.



  1. Wow I can't believe these things never came to me. Illegal immigrants are probably one of the best examples of slaves, and yes, the racism thing seems to always be between black and white people. Asian, hispanic, mixed, and other races never seem to be included, though a lot of times they are involved.

  2. Oh you sneaky girl! You're making me review yours and comment back on what you said on mine.
    For some reason, I didn't even think about illegal immigrants when I said human trafficking. I always thought more about us and the sex slave trade. Yesh, I am self-centered.
    Racism is against everyone. I mean, there are black people racist against black people. It's not just skin color (I mean, after that, it stops being racism and just discrimination but go with it).

    Isn't it sad that some exploit everything?

    Keeping them out of poverty, do you think it gives them enough grounds under those conditions?

    Our world is screwed up.

    Okay, response time!
    I'm not mad about the rambling. I pride myself on my writing, seeing as it turns out that it's my only talent. I try to make each and every piece my best. That is the only way. No other path. That's the reason that I update and edit endlessly, finding better words and phrases and adding tidbits here and there. If I could only be the best in one thing, it would be writing. So, I took your suggestion to heart and tried to better myself. Then, I got caught up in the text and too lazy to be subconsciously checking for edits so I just left it.

    ... I really don't know the definition of rambling or how others define it. (my lifesaver) doesn't help much so it's like trying to make a cure for a disease you don't know about.

    So, just because there are benefits, it's not slavery? What about olden day slavery of the Africans? They got a place to live (even if it's terrible) and food (even if there's only a little). Does this mean that that wasn't slavery? Of course it doesn't because that defines slavery in every aspect that we know today.

    Opinion denied.

    I must find this blog and rant on it. Pfft. Not slavery. That's just crazy. That's why it's modern slavery. It's modern. And well hidden.

    I'll try to go into detail about the condition. Lord knows that I have seen enough about it talk more.

    Thanks for commenting! I posted it on dA and got 2 comments there so this is the most I've had. Most people just skim over because it's so long. But it's long for a reason. Slavery hits me hard (as I mentioned) because of my ancestors and my roots (Hehe. The show Roots about slavery will kill you.). History repeats itself but we're too blind to see that we're just dancing that same old tango again to different music.

    Love ya Jy.
